Dominance Fury Read online

Page 7

  Oh snap … not happening … don't go there!

  Fighting against her protesting muscles, Sydney struggled to her knees while gathering the drape to cover her needless exposure. She glared at the uninvited company. All three seemed to shutter and gasped in sync. Simultaneously they dropped their heads as if gazing upon her was blasphemous. It made her wonder if snot was hanging from her nose or if perhaps her zipper was down. Ah, but she had no zipper ….

  Because she had no clothes on damn it!

  "What the hell?" Sydney mumbled while tying a knot with the top ends of the thin cloth to hold it in place above her breasts.

  She scooted from the slab, wincing at sore muscles forced to stretch in what seemed like the completely wrong direction. With her teeth tightly clenched and her eyes remaining fixed on the three subjects Sydney struggled to remember her training.

  Protocol--What is the military protocol when taken prisoner? She scratched her head while doing a mental run-through of the memorized military handbook--name, rank, and social security number.

  Sydney studied the natives and the lowered postures they had assumed. It appeared she really was being revered. She snorted aloud with the thought, which was followed by the gritting of her teeth. An anguished groan followed as pain ran sharp in her ears. To add to Sydney's discomfort, her head was beginning to pound. It occurred to her then that she had some pain killers along with her .…

  My meds! Oh my god, my meds! Panic shot through her. Sydney's prescription meds were in the pocket of her flight suit. Without her precious meds she was doomed! DOOMED!

  First priority … locate flight suit--just as soon as she got a clue as to where in the stars she was and how she might go about doing that. At the moment her instincts told her it would be best to refrain from pissing anybody off. She also sensed that when in Rome … yadda yadda … might be a good rule of thumb for the time being. Lifting her arms, Sydney held her hands in front of her face and mimicked the triangular pattern the natives created with their thumbs and fingers, something she'd done hundreds of times as a child … something she again wasn't ready to entertain the thought of.

  "Take me to your lead…y-e-e-o-w-w-w-w-w!" Sydney yelped and pressed her palms to her ears seeking relief.

  Three sets of peepers widened further at her tormented cry. Oh agony! The pain was a bitch! Talking loudly wasn't such a good idea. Tears welled in Sydney's eyes, but she swallowed them, determined to refrain from showing any signs of weakness or incapacitation. A streak of fear zipped through her chest, however, when the woman in the middle stood and rushed toward Sydney. She halted at nearly arms length away, her body stiffened, hesitating as if coming any closer might be unwise or improper, or something.

  She spoke. Buzz, buzz buzz buzz buzz? At the same time she averted her gaze in an almost subservient manner. Sydney stared at the woman's mouth, wishing she could read lips. The words were a muffled mess.

  "I can't hear." Sydney pointed to her ears, whimpering at the pain her own muffled whisper caused. "They hur…"

  "Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz." The woman pointed to the sky and then flapped her arms like a bird.

  "You're the woman who found me," Sydney surmised. It didn't take much consideration to realize the indigenous female must've seen her ejecting from the crashing star jet and thought it was a bird. But who did the native woman think she was?

  "Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!" The woman raised her voice and pointed to the altar.

  Sydney's head throbbed harder. Her ears pounded, and she groaned as her already sore body suddenly felt weak. What little energy she had rapidly drained away, and suddenly it didn't matter who these people were or who they thought she was. She just wanted to sleep.

  "Yes," she swayed while reaching for the slab to steady herself. "I need to lie down."

  Sydney plopped her butt back onto the altar and the woman smiled slightly as if she was pleased to see that Sydney was going to rest. Stepping closer, she leaned over and brushed aside a lock of hair that had fallen over Sydney's face. It was then that Sydney was able to get a good look at the woman's eyes. Pastel green, or something similar to that, but a color like she had never seen before … at least on Earth. Sydney blinked slowly trying to comprehend what she was seeing.

  …Or imagining.

  A circle of silver framed her irises--sparkling like the garland used on Christmas trees. Sydney decided to think about the oddity of her eye color later. At the moment she was in too much pain. With a grunt, she reclined to her side and drew up her knees. She expected the flat stone to be cool, but it wasn't. Instead, she felt comforting warmth that strangely seemed to also be medicinal. Her pain seemed to fade. A sigh escaped Sydney with the welcomed relief. Pink skies, weird eyes--Oh, Sydney groaned. Her visual perception was making no sense. Propping to her elbows she stared across the lengthy field of burgundy grasses.

  The Delta … this isn't happening. I must be dreaming.

  Her eyes drifted shut and then opened again. She closed them once more. Her mind drifted into and out of consciousness but she was aware that time was passing. She slept and then awoke, her lids lifting, her head pivoting from one side to the other to focus on the reality around her. She inhaled and stilled, her sights training on the open field to make sense of what she thought she might be seeing. Sydney saw movement and blinked a few times before realizing that there were people moving toward them, sauntering almost, slowly, like wildcats creeping up on prey, except they walked upright. Sydney blinked again. They were male, at least ten of them. She knew because … she saw sculpted chests and bulging biceps, strong thighs and …. Sydney gulped … penises, hard penises, and their balls, nesting in tufts of hair. Oh shit, naked, aroused, savages. This can't be good.

  Women shrieked clearly panicked. Chaotic bellows filled the air. The males who stalked toward them were moving faster, and before Sydney could comprehend what was happening she was surrounded by native women who seemed to come from nowhere. Their loud shouts sounded more like the screech of air rushing through a wind tunnel, the noise causing shards of pain to jab in her ears. Sydney wanted to scream, but she didn't dare. Bringing attention to herself at the moment seemed like a very bad idea. The entire scenario was confusing if not frightening. Correction, it was an I'm-going-to-piss-my pants kind of terrifying--If she were wearing any pants that is!

  Clothes or no clothes .…

  "I'm getting the fuck out of here!" Since Sydney had no idea what this was all about the only thing that made sense was to run. Adrenaline pumped through her blood pushing the fog from her brain and stimulating her state of alertness. The re-emerging pain and soreness took an about face becoming dull, though it didn't completely subside. Sydney sat fully upright.

  It was then that the woman who'd rescued Sydney jumped on the plinth standing with her feet straddling Sydney's thighs. She held a bowed stick with a wickedly jagged blade attached at one end. Raising it into the air she shook it while yelling something Sydney couldn't understand. Sydney peeked around the woman's thighs. One of the other women, who'd been on the ground in front of her, shrieked and then ran. Several of the men gave chase. Two caught her. The others with them drew weapons similar to the ones the woman had and in pairs began clanking them together. More men came from the brush. Bellows from the rest of the women continued, each shaking their arced weapons in the air. Some held torches--tiki lanterns of some sort, lit by what looked like fire that cast glowing, blue bubbles instead of flames.

  Blue bubbling flames?

  Oh snap, oh crap. What if this was some kind of ritual or perhaps they were preparing for a feast. Oh double snapping crap. If she was the feast, her goose was cooked. Or it was about to be. Sydney scanned all around her and was able to determine readily that it would be impossible to escape unnoticed. Her heart became jammed with escalating fear and began pounding wildly in her chest, and her breathing turned shallow her breaths coming fast. Pure fear gripped at Sydney as she came to grips with the fact that it seemed she had jump
ed from a fire, and directly into another fire. Was she truly about to become dinner?

  It wasn't dinner. It was a melee. In a blink blades were slicing the air, men pitted against woman it seemed. Wild savages at war, a battle of the sexes and amazingly the larger brawn of the males didn't seem to be an advantage. The females were quite apt--Oh shit, maybe not apt enough! Sydney gasped as two men closed in on her. Her bodyguard began swiping her weapon through the air. Another male jumped on the plinth while the first two grabbed Sydney. One tipped her head back and she snarled, though the only thing that bounced in her mind was that she was in deep, deep doo doo.

  He laughed and then mumbled something to the other that she couldn't understand. They released her and then moved onto another woman who ran by laughing ….


  …and for a moment Sydney felt indignation that maybe she wasn't good enough for them.

  Oh fuck this! Sydney dropped to the ground and began scrambling on hands and knees. She saw another woman scamper off only to be chased by several more males. They caught her and much to Sydney's dismay and rising fear, one tore off her clothes. Sydney crawled faster, heading for the brush, hoping if she reached them she could make a run for it, or at least hide. Another woman stepped in her path however, and Sydney halted to look up. The woman's mouth was agape, her expression fearful, and when Sydney followed the line of her gaze she saw two more male savages glaring her way, lecherous gleams in their eyes. Simultaneously they lifted their arms. Their fingers connected forming a triangular shape. The woman blinked, swayed and then crumbled to the ground, landing in a heap. Well, Sydney wasn't about to wait and see what happened next. She crawled over the woman and then managed to scramble to her feet. Without looking back, she took off running.

  Something tugged at her. She fought, but its pull to take her deeper was stronger than her capacity to stay awake. It drew her inward, stealing her from consciousness, delivering her to cataleptic surroundings--a quieter place, and yet she still had a vague awareness of what was going on around her. Her pace slowed, her mind beginning to bend, and despite trying to move her feet became firmly planted.

  Hello sweet Tina

  Huh … wha … who is that?

  It is I, Calem.

  Fine time for you to show up. Sydney didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out who was speaking.

  Any time would be a fine time with you, woman.

  At the moment it would only be a fine time if you can get me out of this shit-out-of-luck predicament! She barked back silently.

  He was in her head--no they were in her head. She could feel the presence of them both. Though she tried to fight it, Sydney knew it was hopeless, knew what was coming next. As expected, always as before, wooziness took hold of her, and she had only a split of a second to gather the sense that the ground beneath her was coming up.

  No, she was going down … Aw snap.

  Someone grabbed her from behind--someone large! A sinewy arm slipped around her waist, and Sydney felt her one-hundred and forty-five pound, five-foot, six inch frame being lifted as effortlessly as a tissue. The next thing Sydney knew she was being tossed over a naked shoulder, her upper body and head hanging upside down.

  "Hey! Let me … Ouch, goddamn it!" As much as she wanted to see who had her, she couldn't open her eyes. Her body was too sluggish, her mind too much in a tailspin for her to care about anything at the moment. Briefly she let go, her body further going limp, her head throbbing and bobbing as she was being carried away, her arms like soggy noodles, dangling towards the ground.

  It pissed her off.

  Adrenaline crashed through her blood, infusing her with a blast of strength and energy, pushing away the pain and fatigue. "Put me down you mother fuck … ouch!"

  Did he really just smack her bottom? It stung, too! Heat suffused the flesh of her right buttock and Sydney was about to release another string of curses when her attention suddenly went elsewhere. She became fixated on the bare feet that were following behind them. Her gaze shifted upward to two well-formed calves and very masculine thighs. The sheen on his honey-gold skin emphasized the subtle flexing of his toned muscles as he continued his stride. Sydney struggled to look higher. She was rewarded with a very nice view of loin-covered hips, the cloth riding high enough to almost see his .…

  "Oh my god!" She didn't need to almost see it, because it was right there, hard as a steel bar and sticking straight out from between the gap in the cloth. Well maybe not straight out. His … er … uh … member, had a slightly downward curve that reminded Sydney of an old fashioned divining rod, bouncing, pointing in her direction as if she was the precious water it was seeking. Well, she was feeling a little moist, except the moist part was on the other side of the body that was hauling her about.

  He sniffed her.

  As if on cue with her thoughts, the guy who held her turned his face into her bottom and inhaled. The licentious groan that followed rumbled directly from his chest and rippled through Sydney's body, specifically her crotch, which likely increased her pheromone release, which likely intensified her scent, which likely he was aware of, since he sniffed her again and groaned more loudly.

  Why the fuck was this turning her on when what she should be doing was puking up her guts!

  The lusty sound her kidnapper made was repeated by the guy behind her. Sheesh! Could he possibly smell her, too? Increasing his stride, he jogged closer, his stiffy of course leading the way. Sydney arched a brow and then twisted her head to try and get a look at his face. It was rather difficult with the way she was being jostled about, but she did manage to get a glimpse of the chiseled, masculine, magnificently bronzed face that matched the chiseled, masculine, magnificently bronzed body that flexed and stretched with his stride.

  Sydney's heart thumped. That face … something was familiar ….

  The one in front of her abruptly stopped. He immediately set Sydney onto her feet, and when he did her fight or flight instinct instantly kicking in. Sydney began swinging, her fists blindly making contact with hard male flesh that she knew there wasn't a cold snap's chance on the sun she would put a dent in. She tried to scramble away but one of them grabbed her around the waist again, the strength in his arm powerful enough to stay her. At first she struggled against the restraint, her nails digging into the firm, muscled skin of his forearm. Hair brushed her face. He pulled her firmly against his bare torso as he wrapped his strong arms around her, effectively pinning her arms between their bodies. She could feel his breath fanning her face, his chest heaved, and it was blatantly clear that he had an erection because the damn appendage was poking her in the belly. Preparing to defend her virtue Sydney tensed and sucked in some air. She froze. Her nostrils flared and she sniffed. What … is that him? She sniffed again catching a pleasant scent that reminded her of geraniums, but not quite. There was something a little more accentuated about it, more sensual. Oh my word this guy smells awesome.

  A hand skimmed along the side of her right thigh. It was the other one taking liberty touching her. He leaned closer to her while his hands roamed up the sides of her a body. A new fragrance floated around her, teasing Sydney's nose, prompting her to inhale again. The scent was like … what was it like? It was like fresh rain.

  Euphoria caressed her.

  "Wow," she murmured. This one smells fabulous, too.

  Sydney closed her eyes, and as strange as it was, she was able separate and follow the aromas as clearly as if she could see them. They drifted around her, geraniums and fresh rain, closing the gap between them. In a swirl they made contact, courted, and began to mate. Sydney inhaled more deeply, her senses seeking, craving their scents like it was a desperately needed drug. The fragrances blended, altered, becoming a single bouquet that was so exotic, so erotically tempting she couldn't hold back from moaning in ecstasy.

  They both pressed more tightly against her and began to grind, their stiffened cocks massaging in rhythmic circles, one in front and one from behind. Sydney h
alf opened her eyes. Their hands were touching, fingertips to fingertips, thumb to thumb, a triangle, the delta. She knew that sign, and somehow she knew it was the reason she was now whoozy.

  Sydney ….

  Evala'luso …. They spoke to her silently, soothingly.

  Sydney tried to pull back, tried to force open her sentient mind but all she could do was sigh, her subconscious reaching out, the familiar seeping through her, a yearning she'd fought against all of her life. They kept her pinned between them, two hard male bodies, locking her to them, holding her tight, and Sydney clung to them, alerted to them, prepared herself to completely surrender to them, let them take her in any way they wanted. Her eyes fluttered and she fought between the sleep they tried to induce and her eagerness to see her captors, but a female voice shrieked, shattering her reverie, jolting her back to reality.

  Both men drew back, though they didn't release her. The one behind still held her upper arm while the one in front clenched at the wrist of the opposite arm. Sydney only had time to see a shadow of figure moving rapidly before she ducked. A woman, her new gal pal was leaping towards them, one of her legs driving forward to deliver a powerful kick aimed directly to the temple of the man in front of her. His head wrenched sideways, and he released her completely. Coming quickly to her senses, Sydney reacted and jammed her fist into the groin of the one behind her. His pained oomph verified she'd aimed correctly. He let her go and Sydney turned her head around staring up at the man she'd just attacked. His eyes rolled back in his head and the excruciatingly twist of pain in his expression almost made her feel guilty. Simultaneously she heard a crack and turned in time to see the pieces of wonder-warrior woman's weapon splintering over the other man's head. He began to teeter.